Clipperton College Library’s revised website

Final changes have been made to the Clipperton College Library web site as per the principles request.

  • Page headings and paragraph titles have been changed to Verdana font in the colour #6600cc. This was easily edited under Theme > Change Fonts > Headline / Paragraph Titles. Links that were initially on paragraph titles had to be removed otherwise they remained default black. For some reason not all titles changed when I made the adjustments so I had to edit each title (that hadn’t already been altered) individually.
  • The school logo has been embedded into the website however it isn’t positioned right next to the heading. The theme connects the logo to the main menu side bar. I tested it with other themes and they were usually positioned above the heading. Hope it suffices.
  • All links are now in bold text. I attempted to change the text to capital letters but the theme didn’t allow it (and probably wouldn’t have looked very good anyway). The link now changes colour to #6600cc when the cursor hovers over the text. Button links now have enlarged text and capital letters.

The principle also requested that headers take up minimal space. I had already designed it so the page had short headers, so I left them as is.

The final result can be seen here.